About a year ago my Arena friend Tony Worobiec approached me
to write an article about creating joiners in Photoshop. Tony is the prolific
author of many photography technique books for the publishers David & Charles. This series of books have sold very well, both at home and abroad, and
have been translated into other languages. The latest volume Creative Photography Ideas Using Adobe Photoshop is now available, and my piece is one of the final
chapters in the book warranting four pages to itself, which is rather nice. I’ve
not yet seen the book other than a proof of my chapter, but I expect that it will follow Tony’s usual clear
prose and the publisher’s clean layout as in previous titles.
The example described in the text uses the Spring Trees image
which I created in Spring 2011 and have written about previously. It’s
interesting to see that the designers chose to run an intermediate edit as the
largest reproduction and the final edit at a smaller size. I’m not precious
about these things; maybe the larger version has a better appeal.
Although the book has a publication date of 30th
November it is currently on sale at Amazon, where you also get a small preview
by clicking on the Look Inside feature. In fact, if you do this you may be able
to read my article as this was one of the preview chapters when I last looked.
It was quite strange seeing this on Amazon recently, because although I’m happy to stand by the method outlined in the book for Photoshop users, I now prefer to create my joiners in Lightroom. But that’s the subject of another post, or maybe a commission?
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